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Food Safety and Security

Chicken and Grits_010723A
[Chicken and Grits - John Soul Foods]

- Food Safety is the Backbone of Food Security

Food safety is the primary goal of providing safe food and protecting consumer health. Food security includes the supply, distribution, access to food and the economic, social and political factors that affect its affordability.

Food safety is the backbone of food security. To achieve secure food systems, the complex relationship between nutrition and food security must be understood.

Food safety practices include:

  • Wash your hands with soap and warm water
  • Dry your hands thoroughly
  • Choose safe processed foods
  • Cook food thoroughly
  • Eat cooked food immediately
  • Store cooked food carefully
  • Avoid contact between raw and cooked foods
  • Keep all kitchen surfaces scrupulously clean


- Why is Food Safety Important?

Food safety is fundamental in food businesses, as it ensures the protection of consumers from potential health risks. 

Food safety is important because it protects consumers from health risks related to foodborne illnesses and common allergens. Foodborne illnesses can cause mild to fatal health consequences, including: Watery diarrhea, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Debilitating infections, Long-term diseases.

Foodborne illness affects many Americans each year. Each year, approximately 48 million Americans become ill from foodborne illnesses, more than 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die.


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