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Solar Powered Vertical Farms

Lund University_082422A
[Lund University, Sweden - Mikael Riedal]

- Overview

Solar power can be used in vertical farming to generate electricity and illuminate the plants. Vertical farming is a technology that allows plants to be grown indoors in a controlled environment. Solar power is a renewable energy source that doesn't produce emissions, and using it in vertical farming can have several benefits, including:

  • Reduced environmental impact: Solar power is a clean, renewable energy source that doesn't produce emissions.
  • Lower energy costs: Vertical farmers can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and lower their overall energy costs.
  • More efficient land use: Vertical solar panels can collect energy in the morning and evening, which can balance out other solar plants.
  • Reduced food production costs: Free sunlight can illuminate the depths of a vertical farm using reflectors, which can reduce food production costs.

However, solar conversion to electricity isn't very efficient, so it can take more than nine acres of solar panels to light one acre of crops in a vertical farm. According to a study by Rystad Energy, solar energy could become 10 times cheaper than electricity from gas-based plants in the near future.


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