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Theory of Mind

Washington State_111220A
[Washington State - Forbes]


- Overview

Theory of Mind (ToM) is a third level of AI that allows machines to understand and respond to the mental states of humans and other AI agents. ToM-powered systems can simulate the consequences of their actions and be more communicative with humans. For example, a robot with ToM could explain its actions. 

ToM involves simulating human-like thought processes, emotions, and intentions in AI systems. This includes understanding and remembering other entities' emotions and needs and adjusting their behavior based on these. 

ToM is currently the third level of AI and understands the needs of other intelligent entities. Machines aim to have the capability to understand and remember other entities' emotions and needs and adjust their behavior based on these. This capability is like humans in social interaction.


- AI-Powered Thought Decoders

Yes, AI can read your thoughts by interpreting brain signals and extrapolating your thoughts from that information. 

Here are some ways AI can read your thoughts:

  • Semantic decoder:  noninvasive AI model that translates brain activity into a stream of texts.
  • Functional MRI (fMRI): A newly developed brain-computer interface that can read a person's thoughts and translate them into full sentences.
  • MinD-Vis: An AI system that can match brain scans with images to generate an individual AI model for each participant. These models allow computers to "read" thoughts and re-create the visuals a person is looking at.
  • Sensor-filled helmet: A team of scientists has announced they can turn a person's thoughts into written words using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with AI.

As the technology's accuracy improves, it could even enable communication with people who are paralyzed, or who have otherwise lost the ability to speak.

AI-Powered 'Thought Decoders' Won't Just Read Your Mind - They'll Change It. “Mind-reading” neural decoders could spell the end of privacy. But the full ramifications of this technology are even more concerning.


[More to come ...]

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