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Architecture, Infrastructural Design, Civil Engineering, and Smart City Technology

Lower Manhattan_NYC_081522A
[Lower Manhattan, New York City]

Smart Cities - Driving A Digital Economy



- The Future of Smart Cities

Heralding the rise of "smart cities" promises to bring data-centric solutions to urban challenges. While Asia is still leading the way, traditional cities (especially in the West) are now feeling the pressure to upgrade aging infrastructure. The COVID-19 pandemic, growing sustainability commitments, resource constraints and continued urban growth are creating new reasons to invest. 

Making cities smarter, more efficient and more sustainable for their residents has never been more important. Smart cities around the world are making strides in their smart city initiatives and adopting innovative smart technologies to make their home cities more sustainable and energy efficient, and to minimise carbon emissions.

Globally, an estimated 3 million people move into cities every week, and the trend shows no signs of slowing down. The United Nations predicts that by 2050, 70% of the world's population will live in cities and urban areas, meaning emissions and energy use will increase every year. The need for smarter urban transport networks, environmentally friendly water treatment facilities and energy-efficient buildings is more important than ever. 

This is where smart city programs and initiatives come in. Incorporating smart technologies including the Internet of Things (IOT) – objects embedded with sensors for data exchange – in urban cities can improve not only the quality of life of citizens, but the overall quality of life. public safety.

As the digital economy develops and matures, the "smart city" movement is gaining momentum. The concept of a smart city can vary from city to city and country to country, depending on the level of development. But simply put, a smart city is an urban area that uses information and communication technology (ICT) to improve people's lives. It is a municipality that uses ICT to improve operational efficiency, share information with the public, improve the quality of government services and the welfare of citizens. 


- The Main Goal of Smart Cities

Smart cities have the potential to generate $20 trillion in economic benefits by 2026. The main purpose of a smart city is to create a society that can effectively and efficiently utilize urban infrastructure through artificial intelligence. It also focuses on optimizing city functions and driving economic growth, while using smart technologies and data analytics services, as well as IoT devices such as connected sensors, lights and meters, to collect and analyze data to improve the quality of life for citizens. Cities then use this data to improve infrastructure, utilities, services, and more. 

For many, it represents the promise of high-tech cities, with self-driving cars driving the streets, drones delivering food, and ubiquitous connected devices helping city dwellers with a variety of activities. However, this representation does not convey the complexity of the field, in which many issues (such as economics, social impact, environmental sustainability and democratic participation) are intertwined.


- Smart Economy and Smart Cities

Today, approximately 50% of the world's population lives in urban environments. By 2050, this number will increase to 70%. As a monument of modern life and community, a city full of digital technology (smart city) will obviously be affected by the economic infrastructure that underpins every aspect of it. 

Smart Economy and Smart City Retrospectively analyze the concept of smart city, identify the main features of smart city, such as smart economy (smart or 4.0 industry), smart population, smart government, smart transportation, smart environment, smart life, and smart infrastructure. 

The term "smart city" is defined as a new urbanization concept and model based on the fourth industrial revolution and the application of new generation technologies of Industry 4.0 (Internet of Things, cloud computing, cyber-physical systems, big data and other technologies) for planning, construction, Management integration, industrialization, informatization, modernization and sustainable urban development. 

The new digital age has arrived. It opens up endless new possibilities for industries, governments and cities dreaming of a more agile, digital, resilient and sustainable future. 

Imagine being able to redesign your physical operations in real-time to optimize efficiency, productivity and safety, then bring it to life with the click of a button. If you can operate more efficiently and achieve your business and sustainability goals while maintaining operational continuity, what happens regardless of market changes or environmental conditions?  


[Chicago, USA]

- The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and Smart Cities

The IoV is an indispensable infrastructure for smart cities. It is expected to have the fastest industrialization rate of any application market. In fact, this technology -- whether applied in intersection collision warning or life-saving emergency vehicle design -- can be tightly integrated into our daily lives.

Currently, the IoV is regarded as an important infrastructure for the development of smart cities and is expected to have the fastest industrialization speed among all application markets. The IoV includes five main elements: people, vehicles, roads, communication and service platforms. 

With the advent of the 5G era, the advantages of low latency and high bandwidth have greatly reduced communication time and improved load capacity among people, vehicles, roads, and service platforms involved in IoV services, allowing for a new level of intelligent operative collaboration among each IoV element.


 - Architecture and Smart Cities

The world around us is getting "smarter". From smart meters to smart production, from smart surfaces to smart grids, from smartphones to smart citizens. "Smart" has become an all-encompassing term that signals the arrival of a technological revolution fueled by the promise of safer, more convenient and more efficient ways of living. 

Most architects, designers, planners, and politicians seem to agree that the intelligent transformation of cities and buildings is in full swing and inevitable. However, beyond comfort, safety and efficiency, how can "smart design and technology" help address current and future challenges of architecture and urbanization?

Architecture and Smart Cities looks at the emergence of smart cities from an architectural perspective and provides a broad collection of resources for a better understanding of how smart buildings, smart cities and smart systems in the built environment are discussed, designed and realized.


- Civil Engineering Aspects of Smart Cities

The application of civil engineering in the construction of smart infrastructure is the basis for all other key elements in a smart city, such as smart properties, smart economy, smart living, smart governance and smart environment. The basic principle behind most of these elements is that they are interrelated and that they generate data that can be used to ensure optimal use of resources and improve performance. 

When trying to pick out mutual parts from all accessible interpretations, a smart city is a city that oversees and integrates all its critical infrastructure conditions, including roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, subways, airports, seaports, communications, water, electricity, Even major buildings, use information and communication technology (ICT) to better optimize their resources, plan their preventive maintenance activities and monitor security aspects, while maximizing services to their citizens.


- The Digital Future of the Infrastructure Industry

In 2050, construction sites will be uninhabited. The robots will work in teams to build complex structures using dynamic new materials. The elements of the build will assemble themselves. 

Drones flying overhead will constantly scan the site, inspect the work and use the data gathered to predict and fix problems before they arise, sending instructions to robotic cranes, excavators and automated builders without human involvement. 

The human supervisor is tasked with remotely managing multiple projects simultaneously, accessing 3D and 4D visuals and data from machines on site to ensure the build is within specification. The very few people who visit the site will wear robot-enhanced exoskeletons and use neural control technology to move and control mechs and other robots on site. 

Today, that vision seems far-fetched. But given the complex tasks robots perform in modern factories, it's not hard to imagine such a future for construction sites. In fact, in many areas of life, robots are here, if not yet. 

From automated cash registers in supermarkets, to self-driving cars on the road and voice-activated technology in our homes, digital technology is changing the way we work, shop, travel and relax, the way we interact with the world around us, and the way we interact with the world around us. way of interacting. 

The things we think about, how we delegate and build our infrastructure. These technological changes present significant opportunities for transformational change in the infrastructure industry. The rise of digitization and robotics in construction will lead to significant productivity gains in a large but historically low-productivity industry.

It will increase efficiency, address the skills shortages facing countries around the world, eliminate hazards in construction, and make zero injury a reality.


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